Sun's Web 2.0 Bubble Accessory

Sorry, I just can't hold my tongue on this one. There has been a number of technology pundits waxing on about whether or not we're in another tech bubble. I couldn't decide myself either. It sure feels like there is enough froth around Web 2.0 and Me-To startups to say yes. But having lived through the first one, something is missing... Could this be it?

Sun was one of the biggest benefactors from the first tech bubble selling servers by the boat load. Startups were building sites and buying hardware as fast as they could. Well, if you have not seen Sun's new "Black Box" announcement, then following the link in this posts title will take you to the Sun site. Although the Black Box is seriously cool for the hardware nerd set, this feels like a Web 2.0 Bubble Accessory. I think I just found my Web 2.0 Tech Bubble indicator. Sort of a canary in the coal mine if you will. If Sun starts selling these things in real quantities, then you'll know we're in a new tech bubble.