Apple vs. Google ads: What are they selling? | TiPb

Apple’s latest ad wants you to buy a $500+ tablet computer that runs App Store apps. Apple wants to sell you shiny things to make money.

Google’s latest ad wants you to store personal details about your child’s life, from birth, on their servers. Google wants your data so they can sell it (aggregated and anonymized, of course) to others to make money.

Taken in that context, Apple’s ad might be obnoxious and highly commercial, but Google’s is downright creepy.

Found this through Daring Fireball...

It makes no sense that I cannot airplay from my iPhone or iPad back to my iMac.... This from a company that prides itself on UX...

A beautiful 27" iMac hooked to Roland Studio speakers and I must sync my iphone back to my iMac in order to continue to listen to my audiobooks or podcasts on the iMac.  When I'm done and want to listen from my iphone as I drive to work.... sync again.   Sync sync sync sync sync....    All I can think is that this will all be fixed in iOS5 and that the capabilitles are being back ported quickly but unevenly in order to stay competitive.